Not too long ago we had our 3rd annual organic
certification audit via our USDA Organic Certifying Agent, Oregon Tilth. Over
the years we have been so proud of all the knowledge we’ve gain and our constant
efforts to over achieve with our standards/policies and procedures to ensure
success at receiving approval to carry the USDA Organic Seal on our products so
you can believe that what we say about our products are true. This year we did just that again, the organic
inspector states this about Lovely Lady Products on the Handler Report Outline,
“Excellent Facility Pest Management using mechanical and herbal methods. No
pests. All materials for sanitation are organic or allowed to come in contact
with organic products. This is a very clean operation.” Yes! We are here to please and serve using
the talent God gave the owner to produce body care with the best skin
supporting ingredients available all while running an efficient and clean
However, despite all our efforts, big companies use their power to destroy so many hardworking small organizations trying to do the right
thing for the consumer. Their money knows no boundaries using many
organizations and groups to assistant them with their efforts to sabotage your
right to know and the movement to produce truly clean products (buying store
employees to interfere with sales growth, spread untruths about so many of us,
and in some cases work to remove clean products completely off the retail shelves
in favor of companies who produce toxic products). Many find out whom the
vendors are that small companies are working with to assistant in making it
difficult for small companies during the right thing to survive (this includes, phone service vendors, ingredient suppliers, website host, shopping cart vendors and sometimes higher authorities, corruption is alive and well). This is so sad,
but honest to God, it’s true. How do we
fight back, besides using God's Love, I’m not completely sure, but one way to start is via education.
It’s so important to communicate with the consumer, explaining to them how
important it is for them to be aware of what they are purchasing and whom they
are purchasing their products from (how to get to the core of a person or
organization's character, listen to what they say and then look at what they do
or what is on their shelves and/or in their products). It's important to hold accountable individuals and organizations who would at all cost, sell you products that not only destroy you
and your families health, but also the very air you breathe, as well as the
planet, which is the only home we have.
The following are links and articles that inspired me to
write this blog and will be helpful to education you about the industry. If you
care about your health, your family’s health and the Planet, please pay
attention to local vendors who care and are doing the right thing. Fight for
your rights and for those who serve you honestly.
I recently read an article about Eden Foods and I can
honestly say, I’m truly inspired by them. Perhaps one day, we’ll be able to
hold our own and stand firmly planted in our own truth too. Here’s what I like
about them:
Another company that I admire is Natures Path, a few
years ago in Boulder Colorado, I was lucky enough to meet Nature’s Path CEO
Arran Stephens and his lovely wife (they shared with us some of their business
insight and I’ve held on to what they so generously offered, which has proved
to be sound advice. Here’s why this
organization is so great:
The Organic Consumers Association is a group who is truly
fighting hard to Safeguard Organic Standards and keep you education on the
industry. Please be sure to follow them and keep abreast of the important
issues within the industry.
And one of my favorite companies is Dr. Bronner! Yes they
make organic body care and one could say they are a competitor of ours.
However, I refuse to see it that way, I look to them as an industry leader, an
organization to learn from. You see, Emanuel Bronner, the founder of the Dr.
Bronner Organization was a dedicated pioneer within the organic industry and
used his fame and company’s resources to fight for what is right. Small
companies today working hard to grow while doing the right thing are standing
on the shoulders of this giant. You can learn more about him here –
Finally, one more voice in the industry, Natural Grocers.
They really are a retail store that has the consumers’ best interest at hand.
They are not afraid to speak out for your right to know and they place their
money where their mouth is. I am honored to not only shop there, but to also
have our products on their shelves and hopefully will continue to do so. Here’s what you need to know about them:
It is my intention to education while producing products
that help to support the health of your skin and hopefully continue to grow and
be able to stand as firmly planted as the organizations I have listed above.
I’ll leave you now with this quote by Richard Rogers, “The only way forward,
if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody
Lovely Is As Lovely Does!
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