'Organic Lifestyle' Are We Truly Living an Organic Lifestyle?
'Organic Lifestyle' Are We Truly Living an Organic Lifestyle?
Now that Lovely Lady Products is growing and becoming more of a presence in the organic community, I find myself pondering the question, "what exactly does it mean to live the organic lifestyle?" This gave me some pause for thought. Starting on the home front with myself, I contemplate is it enough that I eat organic food and use nothing but organic body care to take care of my skin? Or is it now a lifestyle when, as I get later in my years, I''ve deepened my care of the environment and all of its creatures? I still get embarrassed by recalling my younger years during which I thought wearing furs was sophisticated, not fully grasping I was so naive in the trials of our youth. It took me years to give up the expensive cosmetics and perfumes that I thought were the best, still find some of them in my old bags, luggage and lurking around my home after so many years. What about how I treat others? Am I behaving in an organic fashion in how I treat my fellow man? We talk an awful lot within the organic community about saving the planet and the environment. But, how do we save ourselves from the hurt we inflict on each other? The industry I work in is very competitive, but such is life. Can''t we be competitive without being disrespectful and hurting another company's success by participating in criminal espionage? In some business circles, there is something referred to as "co-opetition". Why not, since we claim to be advocates for the organic lifestyle? How can we care about the planet and work hard to protect animals if we''re not showing respect for our fellow man? Competition is healthy, I don''t see that as a negative so long as one is using hard work to gain the edge instead of deviant behavior, which is certainly not part of living the organic life. Let''s face it, we''re not perfect, but we can strive to be decent in our adventures. Besides, perfection sure would be boring but being decent heals the world. Now if the goal is to improve and save the planet, including all of it''s creatures doesn''t that include us? I''m just saying.......Lovely Is As Lovely Does'
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